222 Broad St / PO Box 710, Camden, SC 29020



    A school visit to our Revolutionary War Park is divided equally between our high quality exhibitions and our hands on living history make & take program.

    The make & take programs are demonstrated using 18th century tools and technology. We touch on the science, technology, engineering, artisanship and math that goes into whatever we are demonstrating. The focus of the make & take very depending on the age range of the students.

    For the Elementary and young Middle School student, the narrative of the demonstration is centered around the technology, artisanship, and importance of the item during the colonial period.

    For the Older Middle School and High School students, the narrative of the demonstration is centered around the science, engineering, and math skills that are involved in creating the item.

    Oyster Shells to Plaster

    The entire scientific process of converting oyster shells into lime plaster is demonstrated using 18th century tools and technology.

    Cannon, Muskets & Fortifications

    We demonstrate and fire a Revolutionary War field cannon and muskets. While students learn all about the fortifications and siege equipment used by the British and Patriot Army’s.

    Writing with Quill Pens

    This lesson and activity is focused on 18th century communication and the Stamp Act that sparked a revolution. Each student leaves with a letter that they have written using a quill pen and sealed with a wax stamp.

    Pottery in the 18th Century

    This lesson and activity is focused on the importance of the ceramics industry and products in the 18th century. Each student leaves with a ceramic clay pinch pot.

    Honey Making at the Farm

    This lesson and activity is focused on the importance of the colonial farmer and the amazing honeybees which are fantastic critters. Each student leaves with a honey stick bee fan that they have created and decorated.

    Flower Seed Bombs

    This lesson and activity is focused on the importance of the colonial farmer and the making of Flower Seed Bombs. Each student leaves with a flower seed bomb to plant flowers at home.